

  1. In the Constitution, unless the context otherwise requires,
    “the Association” means the Automobile Association of Singapore.
    “Members” means all classes of Members of the Association.
    “the Committee” means the General Committee of the Association.
    “Active Mobility Device” means a wheeled vehicle that is: (a) built to transport people and (b) propelled by mechanical or human power or both and includes a bicycle, motorcycle, mobility scooter and a wheel chair which is motorised.
    “Automobile” means a motorised means of transport and includes all active mobility devices as defined under this Constitution
    “Bye Laws” means the bye laws of the Association made under the Constitution as may be amended from time to time by the Committee
    “Constitution” means the Constitution of the Automobile Association of Singapore
    “Digital means the method, practice, or process of converting (usually analog) information into a digital form which is computer-readable
    “Electronic means” means electronic communication, video conferencing, tele-conferencing or other electronic (or digital) means;
    “General Meeting” means the annual general meeting or an extraordinary general meeting of the Association;
    “Meeting” means a general meeting, a meeting of the General Committee or Sub-Committee and any other meeting conducted on behalf of the Association.
    “Roadside Assistance Services (“RAS”)” means services rendered in connection with a vehicle breakdown, other than due to a road accident, because of a mechanical or electric failure and includes the re-starting and towing of vehicles.


  1. The territory to be covered by the activities of the Association shall be in Singapore, and such other territories as may from time to time be agreed upon by the Committee.


  1. The objects of the Association shall be:
    1. to encourage and promote all forms of motoring including motorsports, karting, motorcycling, automobile-related and active mobility-related activities and other allied interests in Singapore.
    2. to be the valued partner in motoring and to provide quality motoring services to our members
    3. to be the voice of our members and, in this regard, to liaise with Government departments and agencies and other authorities in respect of relevant legislation, taxation, communication, roads and road signs, public safety, traffic control, international circulation of motor vehicles and all other matters pertaining to motoring and active mobility-related activities and to provide feedback on legislative and other measures affecting or likely to affect the interest of our members.
    4. to encourage and promote all forms of road safety in Singapore and activities contributing thereto, including anti-pollution matters affecting all vehicles.
    5. to consider and foster all matters of import and/or interest to motorists residing in or visiting Singapore.
    6. to afford information, assistance, facilities and advice on matters pertaining to motoring in Singapore and elsewhere to all members or members of any affiliated, federated or recognised motoring association or club in any part of the world.
    7. to organise meetings, discussions, lectures and exhibitions concerned with motoring and social and other events of general interest to members.
    8. to print, publish or sponsor any maps, handbooks, magazines or other periodicals or publications connected with motoring in any media as the Committee may deem necessary.
    9. to enter into agreements or become affiliated with other association, clubs, or corporations in Singapore or other countries and to make payments out of the funds of the Association in respect thereof.
    10. to negotiate, and/or enter into an agreement with any approved insurance association or company, and if necessary, to form, register and operate a private insurance company to cover all classes of insurance.
    11. to own, purchase, lease or acquire lands and buildings in Singapore or elsewhere and to sell or lease or mortgage the whole or any part of such lands and buildings from time to time; and to erect, extend or enlarge buildings and to maintain or improve existing buildings for the carrying on of the Association’s business and purpose.
    12. to provide tour and travel services, and for such purposes, to form, register and operate a private travel company to carry on all types of travel business.
    13. to form, register and operate a private company to conduct automobile related business.
    14. generally to do all things necessary to promote the objects of the Association not specifically provided for.



    1. The Association shall comprise:
      1. Ordinary Members
      2. Life Members
      3. Family Members
      4. Corporate Members
      5. Honorary Members
      6. Visiting Members
      7. Youth Members
      8. Associate Members
    2. Qualification for categories of membership other than those provided for in this Constitution, application procedures, fees to be paid for enrolment as member and for membership services, waiver of fees and membership privileges as determined by the Committee shall be as stated in the Bye-laws of the Association.
    3. Save as otherwise provided, all members shall be elected by the Committee, who shall cause to be kept a list of all members, provided that no person shall be elected a member unless he is the owner of a motor vehicle or is in possession of a valid driving licence save and except for Associate Memberships.
    4. Membership of the Association shall not be transferable.
    5. An Ordinary member of 3 years standing and a Life Member shall be entitled to vote at every General Meeting of the Association.
    6. Members of less than 3 years standing shall not be eligible to vote at a General Meeting.
    7. The members may at an Annual General Meeting elect any person to honorary membership in appreciation of his outstanding services rendered to the Association or to motoring. From the date of election to honorary membership, such member shall enjoy all the privileges of Ordinary Members except the right of voting at meetings.


  1. Any motoring club or other sporting club or association whose objects include the promotion of motoring or active mobility devices may be affiliated to the Association upon application made to and accepted by the Committee. The fee payable on affiliation shall be determined by the Committee and shall be for a calendar year.


  1. Any member wishing to resign from the Association shall, upon so writing to the Secretary, cease to be a member but shall be liable for payment of all outstanding dues.


    1. Any matter involving the conduct of any member or his expulsion from the Association shall be referred to the Committee.
    2. If the Committee is of the view that there are insufficient grounds for a further inquiry by the Disciplinary Committee, it may take no further action in the matter unless it is of the view that, in the circumstances of the case, a letter of warning ought to be issued to the member in respect of the conduct complained of.
    3. If the Committee is of the view that sufficient grounds exist for further inquiry into whether a member has committed a breach of the Constitution or the Bye Laws of the Association, or has acted in any way contrary to the interests of the Association, or whose conduct has rendered him unfit to be a member, it may refer the matter to a Disciplinary Committee of three members of the Committee to be appointed by the Committee including a Chairman of the Disciplinary Committee. The Secretary shall forward to the Disciplinary Committee members a statement of their appointment and particulars of the allegations made against the member which the Disciplinary Committee is required to inquire into and report, and all other relevant documents and information relevant to the Inquiry by the Disciplinary Committee.
    4. The Disciplinary Committee appointed under Clause 7c shall inquire into the matters alleged against the member in the manner provided for under the Bye Laws and report its findings and recommendations to the President for consideration of the Committee.
    5. The Committee shall, having regard to the report of the findings and recommendation of the Disciplinary Committee, take no further action in the matter, or issue a letter of warning to the member not to repeat the conduct complained of, or expel the member from the Association.
    6. Where the Committee has decided to expel a member under this Clause it shall not be obliged to give reasons in writing therefor. However, if the member feels that he has been unjustly treated, he shall have recourse to appeal at a General Meeting.
    7. The name of a member who has been so expelled shall be removed from the register and he shall cease to be a member and shall forfeit all interest in the funds and property of the Association and shall thereafter be ineligible for membership without the special consent of the Committee.
    8. No entrance fee nor any proportionate part of a member’s subscription shall be returned to him upon his ceasing for any reason to be a member.


  1. The Committee may from time to time invite distinguished persons to be patrons of the Association.



    1. The Association shall be managed by a Committee comprising a President, a Deputy President, a Secretary, a Treasurer and 8members.
    2. Members of the Committee shall be elected at a General Meeting of the Association and, subject to Clause 9(c), shall continue in office for two years and may thereafter seek re-election.
    3. No member shall be eligible for election to the Committee unless he has been an ordinary or life member of the Association for at least three (3) consecutive years as at the date of the Annual General Meeting and if:
      1. is an undischarged bankrupt; or
      2. has been convicted of an offence involving fraud or dishonesty; or
      3. has, in the view of the Committee, behaved in a manner that has brought or may bring the Association into disrepute.
    4. A member of the Committee shall be disqualified from holding office for any of the reasons stated in clause 9 (c).
    5. The Committee shall from among its members, every alternate year, elect the President and in the following year the Deputy President who shall both continue in office for two years.
    6. The Committee shall from among its members elect the Secretary and Treasurer.
    7. In the event of vacancy occurring in the numbers of the Committee, including a vacancy in the position of President, Deputy President, Secretary, or Treasurer during the course of a year, the Committee is empowered to fill such vacancy until the next Annual General Meeting.
    8. The Committee shall have power to invite any person, whether a member or not, to sit on any meeting without right of vote.


  1. The Committee shall have the following powers and functions:
    1. To decide all matters concerning the management and working of the Association.
    2. To be the sole and exclusive interpreter of these Rules.
    3. To employ and remunerate all categories of staff and agents as required and to discipline and discharge same where warranted. No employee or agent of the Association whether a member of the Association or not, may vote at any meeting of the Association.
    4. To delegate its powers and duties and to refer any matter to a sub-committee or person, provided, however, that any decision or action of the sub-committee or person shall have no force or effect until it is confirmed by the Committee.
    5. To authorise payment of travelling expenses and allowances of the President, Deputy President, Committee members and employees on authorised business of the Association.
    6. To purchase, hire, make or provide and maintain all kinds of furniture, implements, tools, utensils, plate, glass, linen, books, papers, periodicals, stationery, cards, games and other things required, or which may be conveniently used in connection with any club house and other premises of the Association by persons frequenting the same, whether members of the Association or not.
    7. To purchase motor cars, motorcycles and other vehicles and plant and equipment for the purposes of Association.
    8. To purchase, prepare, make, supply and sell and deal in all kinds of apparatus, appliances and accessories used in connection with motoring and all kinds of provisions and refreshments required or used by the members of the Association or other persons frequenting the club house or other premises of the Association.
    9. To invest and deal with monies of the Association, not immediately required, in such securities and in movable and immovable assets in such manner as may from time to time be determined by the Committee.
    10. Generally to carry out the objects of the Association and to exercise all such powers and do all such things as may be exercised or done by the Association, save such as are by this Constitution or by any statute for the time being in force required to be exercised or done by the Association at a general meeting. Any proposal or arrangement to dispose of any asset, other than investments in securities and bonds for re-investments, having a net book value of or exceeding $500,000 shall be approved at a General Meeting by resolution of a two-third majority of the members of the Association present and voting at such meeting



    1. To make Bye-Laws consistent with the Constitution for the proper administration of the Association, and where it considers necessary, to amend and repeal such Bye-laws. All bye-laws and regulations made by the Committee under this Clause, until repealed by the Committee or set aside by a resolution at a General Meeting of the Association, shall be binding upon all the members.
    2. To adopt such means as it deems sufficient to bring to the notice of members of the Association all bye-laws and amendments to such Bye-Laws.



    1. The Committee may from time to time invite Past Presidents of the Association and other distinguished persons to act as Honorary Advisors to the Committee on such terms as may be determined by the Committee.
    2. A Resource Panel consisting of persons with particular experience and expertise may also be set up on such terms as the Committee may determine
    3. Honorary Advisors to the Committee and Members of the Resource Panel may, at the invitation of the Committee, attend and participate in all meetings of the Committee but shall not be eligible to vote at such meetings.



    1. The Committee shall meet at least ten (10) times a year at the office of the Association, or at such other place as the Committee may decide from time to time.
    2. In addition to the monthly meetings, the Committee shall also meet whenever it may be considered necessary by the President or upon a resolution in writing signed by at least five of its members stating the business to be transacted provided fourteen days’ notice be given.
    3. Notices of all meetings of the Committee with the Agenda attached thereto, shall be sent to each Committee member at least seven days prior to the date of the meeting.
    4. The quorum for a meeting of the Committee shall be five. In the event of the President being absent, the Deputy President shall take the Chair, and if both shall be absent, the members present shall elect one of their number to preside over the meeting.
    5. Each member of the Committee shall be entitled to one vote, but in the event of there being an equality of votes, the Chairman of the meeting shall have an additional or casting vote.
    6. Decisions may be taken by the Committee via correspondence, circular, telephone, telegram, telefax and/or other means of digital or electronic communication, and without an actual meeting of its members.
    7. Any member of the Committee absenting himself from three consecutive meetings without explanation satisfactory to the Committee, shall ipso facto cease to be a member thereof.



    1. The Association shall ordinarily hold an Annual General Meeting of members not later than the 31st day of May in each year to confirm the Minutes of the last Annual General Meeting; to receive, and if approved, pass the Report and Accounts for the previous year ending 31st December; to elect the office- bearers to fill the vacancies of six (6) members of the Committee retired for the ensuing year; to appoint Auditors for the ensuing year, and to transact any other business which may be properly brought before such meeting; on other matters raised, the decision of the President shall be final.
    2. Nominations for election to the Committee must be received at least 10 days before the date of the Annual General Meeting. Each member standing for election must be nominated by a member and seconded by another member, and the nominee must confirm on the letter of nomination his willingness to serve. Only members who have been members of the Association for not less than three (3) continuous years before the date of the Annual General Meeting shall be eligible to be elected to the Committee
    3. The quorum for an AGM shall be 35. If within half an hour from the time appointed for the meeting a quorum of members is not present, the meeting shall be adjourned by the Chairman for a further 15 minutes, and if at the end of the 15 minutes, a quorum of members is not present, then the members present shall be a quorum for the meeting. Such adjourned meeting shall have no power to amend the Constitution or move the dissolution of the Association.
    4. Not less than 14 days before the date of every Annual General Meeting:
      1. notice of the Annual General Meeting with the Agenda of the Meeting shall be sent to each member by electronic (or digital) means or by post (if a member has opted to receive the communication by post) or if no electronic (or digital) means of communication with the member is known and shall be published in the website of the Association and in a major daily English Language newspaper in Singapore.
      2. copies of the Association’s Statement of Accounts and the Annual Report shall be made available on the website of the Association and a printed copy of these documents shall, at the request of a member, be also made available for collection at the registered office of the Association.
      3. The accidental omission to give any such notice to any member shall not invalidate any resolution passed at the meeting.
    5. Notwithstanding Clause 12a, the Committee may, if it considers it necessary or expedient, postpone the holding of the Annual General Meeting in May to a date before the end of the year.
    6. In the event the Annual General Meeting is postponed, the current office bearers shall, if they consent, remain in office until the date of the postponed Annual General Meeting.
    7. The President shall act as the Chairman of every general meeting of the Association. In the event the President is absent or unable to act, the Deputy President shall be the Chairman of the meeting. In the event that both the President and Deputy President are absent or unable to act as the Chairman, the members of the Committee shall elect one of their number to preside over the meeting.
    8. Each member attending the Annual General Meeting and able to vote shall be entitled to one vote and in the event of there being an equality of votes, the Chairman of the meeting shall have an additional or casting vote.



    1. Where personal attendance at any meeting or class of meetings provided in the Constitution or the Bye Laws is considered by the Committee to be inexpedient or impracticable, alternative arrangements for such meetings, including the conduct of meetings by electronic means as prescribed in the Bye Laws may be considered.
    2. Detailed procedures as may be appropriate for the conduct of such meetings by electronic means including attendance at such meetings, entitlement to be heard at the meetings, raising a resolution, voting, proxy forms, notice of meetings, conduct of meetings are as laid down in the Bye-Laws.



    1. The Committee shall convene an Extraordinary General Meeting of the Association whenever it may deem necessary, or when a requisition signed by at least fifty (50) members entitled to vote at such a meeting is received.
    2. The quorum for any Extraordinary General Meeting shall be fifty (50)         members. If within half an hour of the time appointed for the meeting a quorum is not present, the meeting shall be adjourned by the Chairman for a further fifteen (15) minutes, and if the at the end of the fifteen (15) minutes, a quorum is not present, the members shall form a quorum for the meeting. Such adjourned meeting shall have no power to amend this Constitution or to move the dissolution of the Association.
    3. Not less than fourteen (14) days before the date of every Extraordinary General Meeting written notice of the Extraordinary Meeting together with the Agenda of the meeting shall be delivered to each member in accordance with Clause 19b and a similar notice shall be published in the website of the Association and in a major English Language daily newspaper in Singapore.



    1. Proper books of account shall be kept showing the financial position of the Association and the Committee shall cause to be prepared a Statement of Accounts of the Association’s funds, income and expenditure, such Statements to be prepared once in every year, made up as at 31st December, and audited by the auditors elected at the last Annual General Meeting.
    2. All the property and all the funds of the Association shall be vested in the Committee for the time being as Trustees for the members of the Association, and the Committee shall have control of such property and funds
    3. The Committee shall have power to appoint or cause to be appointed, custodian trustees to hold in their names all existing and future interest of the Association in immovable property and such movable property as the Committee shall in their absolute discretion deem fit upon such terms and conditions as may be agreed between the custodian trustees and the Committee from time to time. The custodian trustees of the Association shall hold, sell, transfer, lease, mortgage, charge or otherwise dispose of, encumber or deal with immovable property and investments of the Association in such manner as the Committee shall from time to time direct. The Committee may pay to the custodian trustees of the Association as remuneration such sum as the Committee shall from time to time determine.
    4. With the sanction of a General Meeting of the members of the Association called with Special Notice thereof the Committee shall have power to raise or borrow for the purposes of the Association such sum of money as may have been authorised by such General Meeting, and shall also have the power to secure the repayment of such sum of money by the issue of debentures or by charging or mortgaging the Association’s properties immovable and movable or in such other method as it may think
    5. A monthly Statement of Accounts shall be produced by the Chief Executive Officer to the Committee for discussion at its monthly meetings.


  1. The Secretary shall keep a record of all businesses transacted at all meetings of the Committee and generally perform all duties pertaining to his office.



    1. All books of accounts, the records and papers of the Association shall be kept at the registered office of the Association and shall be under the care, custody and control of the Treasurer but shall at all times be available for inspection by the members of the Committee and the Association’s auditors.
    2. The Treasurer shall be responsible to see that all monies received by or on account of the Association are paid by the proper officer into the Association’s bank to the credit of the Association.



    1. No amendment to the Constitution shall be made except at an Annual General Meeting or at an Extraordinary General Meeting specially convened for that purpose.
    2. Any proposed amendment to the Constitution shall be submitted, duly proposed and seconded in writing, to the Committee.
    3. The Secretary shall thereupon circulate the same to members and shall table them at the Annual General Meeting or if no such meeting is forthcoming convene an Extraordinary General Meeting to consider and, if thought fit, to adopt such proposal with or without modification.
    4. The notice convening any such meeting shall set forth the mover’s proposal and the reasons therefor which he may have given.
    5. Any proposal which is adopted by a resolution of a two-third majority of the members present and voting at the meeting and which has been approved by the Registrar of Societies, shall be valid and binding upon all members.



    1. The Association shall not be dissolved except in accordance with the provisions of the Societies Act, Cap. 311.
    2. In the event of the Association being dissolved as provided above, all debts and liabilities legally incurred on behalf of the Association shall be fully discharged, and all the remaining funds, if any, shall be disposed of as the members at a General Meeting shall decide, for any or all of the following purposes: for promoting road safety in Singapore or for promoting the study of motoring and other allied interests or for the making of donations to charities registered with the Commissioner of Charities.
    3. Notice of dissolution shall be given within 7 days of the dissolution to the Registrar of Societies.



    1. Every member shall be bound by the Constitution of the Association and by any rules made thereunder.
    2. Unless otherwise provided in this Constitution, any notice or communication from the Association to a member shall be sent by electronic (or digital) means or by post (if a member has opted to receive the communication by post) or if no electronic (or digital) means of communication with the member is known.
    3. In order to assist in the prompt communication all members shall keep the Association informed of their postal addresses and, where available, of their email addresses and hand phone numbers and of all changes thereof.
    4. The Association is not responsible for the condition of its building and grounds and will not be liable to any member or other person for any damage or injury suffered in consequence of any accident arising through the negligence of any of the Association’s servants or from any other cause
    5. No member shall take away from the Association’s premises under any pretence whatever, or shall damage, any property of the
    6. Association shall indemnify and hold harmless the Committee, their employees, successors and assigns, from and against any claim, cost or expense that may arise from any act which is done in good faith or intended to be done in the execution or purported execution of these Rules or the Bye-laws, or that any such person may incur as a result of his or her status, actions or omissions in the course of carrying out his or her role in Association, other than as a direct result of the gross negligence or wilful misconduct of the person claiming under this indemnity.





Unless otherwise defined or the context otherwise requires, words and expressions used in these Bye-Laws shall have the same meaning as those under the Constitution of the Association


  1. Ordinary Member
    1. Holders of a valid driving licence or owners of a motor vehicle are eligible for Ordinary Membership of the Association.
    2. Membership is personal and tagged to the applicant’s unique identification number (e.g. NRIC number)
    3. A candidate for election to the Association as a Member must send in his nomination to the Committee together with the entrance fee and subscription that are prescribed in the Bye-Laws. The name of a candidate for election shall come before the Committee at its next meeting after the nomination has been received, and he shall then be elected to membership if two-thirds of the Committee members present record favourable votes. In the event of a candidate proving unsuccessful, all monies received from him shall be returned
    4. Ordinary Members shall pay the Entrance Fee and an Annual Subscription as provided for in the Bye-Laws.
    5. Only Ordinary Members of at least three (3) consecutive years’ standing shall have the right to vote at any meeting of the Association and shall be eligible for election to the Committee
    6. An Ordinary Member permanently residing outside Singapore shall pay the Entrance Fee and half the Annual Subscription. Such Ordinary Member shall have no right to vote at any meeting of the Association and shall not be eligible for election to the Committee or any sub-committee.
    7. Ordinary Members are entitled to enjoy free Roadside Assistance Services as are prescribed under the Bye-Laws as well as entertainment facility access and merchant partners benefits offered to the association.
  2. Life Member
    1. Any Ordinary Member who has obtained membership of the Association before 1st January 2008 shall, upon completion of thirty (30) years of continuous membership as an Ordinary Member, become a Life Member and shall not be required to pay any further Annual Subscriptions. Life Members shall enjoy the same rights and privileges as Ordinary Members in all other aspects.
    2. The Association shall be entitled to require from Life Members confirmation that there has been no change in their postal or electronic mail addresses periodically.
    3. Upon receipt of the notice requesting such confirmation from the Association (“Confirmation Notice”), Life Members shall with fourteen (14) days of the date of the Confirmation Notice, confirm in writing to the Association that there has been no change in their postal and electronic mail addresses.
    4. Failure to respond to the Confirmation Notice may, in the Committee’s discretion, result in the suspension of the membership of the Life Member and does not require advance notice in writing to the Life Member.
    5. The membership of such Life Member may be reinstated upon the Life Member confirming in writing to the Association that there have been no changes to his postal and/or electronic mail addresses or notifying in writing to the Association of any changes to his postal and/or electronic mail addresses (as the case may be).
  3. Family Member
    1. Any Ordinary or Life Member may nominate his spouse or child under twenty-one (21) years old who holds a valid driving licence and resides at the principal Member’s address to apply for membership as a Family Member.
    2. No Entrance Fee shall be charged in respect of a Family Member but he shall pay half the Annual Subscription fees.
    3. Family Members are entitled to the full benefits of an Ordinary Membership, but shall have no right to vote at any meeting of the Association.
    4. The membership of every Family Member shall be dependent on the principal Ordinary or Life Member remaining a Member of the Association, and shall run concurrently with the membership term of the principal Ordinary or Life Member.
  4. Corporate Member
    1. Corporate Membership is restricted to motor vehicles registered or leased out in the name of the organisation making the application and are used for the business purposes of the organisation. Corporate Membership is tagged to the vehicle.
    2. Organisations such as commercial firms, clubs, consulates and associations, which own motor vehicles or have leased out motor vehicles in the name of such firms, clubs, consulates or associations for use in the course of daily business, shall be eligible to apply for membership as Corporate Members.
    3. Corporate Membership shall be registered in the name of the organisation making the application and not in the name of any individual.
    4. Applications for Corporate Membership shall be accepted in accordance with the Bye Laws but applicants may be required to produce their vehicle registration cards and insurance certificates, if called upon to do so.
    5. Corporate Members shall pay the Entrance Fee and an Annual Subscription as prescribed in the Schedule to the Bye Laws.
    6. Corporate Members shall have no right to vote at any meeting of the Association and shall not be eligible for election to the Committee.
    7. Corporate Members shall not be permitted to take part in any competition or other events which the Association may organise for the benefit of its Members, without the written approval of the Committee.
    8. Corporate Members are entitled to enjoy free Roadside Assistance Services (“RAS”) of up to six (6) times per membership year, subject to the terms as stated in Schedule 2 to these Bye-Laws.
  5. Honorary Member
    Honorary Members may be elected at a General Meeting and on such terms as provided for under clause 4(g) of the Constitution.
  6. Visiting Member
    1. Any person temporarily resident in Singapore and being a member of another automobile club or association having reciprocal rights with the Association may apply to the Committee to become a Visiting Member.
    2. The membership is valid until the expiry of the Visiting Member’s membership with the overseas organisation, or for a maximum period of one (1) year, whichever is shorter.
    3. Visiting Members shall pay no Entrance Fee but shall pay a monthly subscription as may be determined by the Committee from time to time.
    4. Visiting Members shall have no right to vote at any meeting of the Association and shall not be eligible for election to the Committee or any sub-committee.
    5. Visiting Members are entitled to the same Roadside Assistance Services benefits as Ordinary Members of the Association.
  7. Youth Member
    1. Any person between 18 years and 28 years who is approved by the Committee shall be eligible to become a Youth Member.
    2. A Youth Member shall pay the Entrance Fee and an Annual Subscription as provided for in the Bye-Laws.
    3. Youth Members are entitled to enjoy free Roadside Assistance Services as are prescribed under the Bye-Laws as well as entertainment facility access and merchant benefits offered to the Association.
    4. Youth members are not entitled to vote at meetings of the Association.
  8. Associate Member
    1. The Committee may elect any person including a person who owns or has the use of an Active Mobility Device to be an Associate Member of the Association on such terms as the Committee may determine.
    2. Associate Members shall have no right to vote at any meeting of the Association and shall not be eligible for election to the Committee or to the benefits of the Roadside Assistance Services unless otherwise determined by the Committee.
    3. Associate Members will be able to enjoy privileges extended to members such as access to entertainment facilities and privileges from merchant partners.
    4. Associate Members include Social Members who shall be referred to as Associate Members (Social).


  1. Entrance and Subscription Fees for members, where applicable, and other charges in respect of Roadside Assistance and Towing are stated in Schedules 1 to 3 to these Bye-Laws.
  2. The Committee may at its discretion waive the entrance fee in respect of any candidate for membership.
  3. If the members’ subscription remains outstanding three months from the due date, the member shall ipso facto cease to be a member. However, such member may be reinstated at the discretion of the Committee on good grounds and upon payment of all arrears due.


  1. The Disciplinary Committee to be appointed by the Committee under clause 7c of the Constitution shall meet within 3 weeks of its appointment by the Committee.
  2. At its first meeting the Disciplinary Committee shall examine the allegations made against the member and all information brought to its attention by the Secretary.
  3. The Disciplinary Committee shall fix the date of hearing of the matters to be inquired into and determine the witnesses it wishes to be heard at the hearing and the documents it wishes to examine.
  4. Seven days’ notice of the meeting shall be given by the Secretary to the member concerned and the notice shall set out the matter upon which the Disciplinary Committee’s decision and recommendations are sought and the Member in question shall be entitled to be present and to be heard personally at the meeting.
  5. Within 30 days of the conclusion of the hearing, the Chairman shall furnish to the President of the Association a written report, signed by all the members of the DC, of the Committees findings, reasons for its conclusions and its recommendations as to the penalty to be imposed, if any, on the Member concerned.
  6. The President may grant an extension of the time for the submission of the report and recommendations.


  1. A general meeting or any other meeting of the Association may be convened, held or conducted, whether wholly or partly, by electronic means
  2. The Association may provide that a member may only attend a general meeting by observing and listening to the proceedings of the meeting by electronic means, if access to audio-visual broadcast is provided to the member.
  3. A Committee member may attend a meeting of the Committee by electronic means.
  4. The Association may provide that a member may only be heard at a General meeting by electronic means in the manner provided in para (ii). A representation may be read out at a meeting by electronic means.
  5. A member shall, before the meeting, send to the chairman of the meeting, by electronic mail or post, the matters which the member wishes to raise at the meeting, and each such matter, if substantial and relevant and sent within a reasonable time before the meeting, is to be responded to at or before the meeting by electronic means.
  6. A quorum may be formed by members personally or electronically present.
  7. A member is deemed to be present at a general meeting if the member has appointed the chairman of the meeting as the member’s proxy to attend, speak and vote at the meeting, and the relevant quorum requirements are to be determined by the voting instructions and proxies submitted by the members prior to the commencement of the meeting.
  8. A member is electronically present at a general meeting or any other meeting of the
    Association if the member —
    (a) attends the meeting in the manner provided in para (ii).
    (b) is verified by the secretary or a person appointed by the Committee, as attending the meeting in the manner provided in para(ii); and
    (c) is acknowledged by electronic means by the chairman of the meeting as present at the meeting
  9. The Association may require a member to appoint the chairman of the meeting as the member’s proxy to vote at a general meeting of the Association by depositing with the Association an instrument of appointment by post, or by electronic mail to an electronic mail address stated in the notice of the meeting. A member may not vote at the meeting otherwise than by way of appointing the chairman of the meeting as the member’s proxy.
  10. Where a proxy is delivered by a member to the Association —
    (a) the Association may treat the instrument of appointment appointing a person other than the chairman of the meeting as the member’s proxy to vote at the meeting as an instrument of appointment appointing the chairman as the member’s proxy to vote at the meeting, if-
    (i) the member indicated how the member wished to vote on each resolution; and
    (ii) the member has been given an opportunity to withdraw the appointment and has not withdrawn the appointment; and(b) the Association may treat the instrument of appointment appointing a person other than the chairman of the meeting as the member’s proxy to vote at an adjourned or postponed meeting as an instrument of appointment appointing the chairman as the member’s proxy to vote at the meeting, if —
    (i) the resolutions proposed at the adjourned or postponed meeting are the same as the resolutions to be proposed at the meeting;
    (ii) the member indicated how the member wished to vote on each such resolution; and
    (iii) the member has been given an opportunity to withdraw the appointment and has not withdrawn the appointment
  11. A member of the Committee or a sub-committee of the Association may vote at a meeting of the governing body by electronic means
  12. A document required to be laid or produced before a general meeting of the Association may be so laid or produced by being —
    (a) sent or published in the manner provided in Paragraph xiv with the notice of the meeting; or
    (b) published at an online location, the address of which is provided with the notice of the meeting, or on the website of the Association
  13. A document required to be laid or produced before any other meeting of the Association may be so laid or produced by being sent in the manner provided in Paragraph xiv with the notice of the meeting.
  14. A notice of a general meeting of the Association and a meeting of the Committee —
    (a) in the case of a general meeting, must be sent by electronic mail to each member who has notified the Association of his or her electronic mail address;
    (b) in the case of a general meeting, must be published on the website of the Association (if available);
    (c) in the case of a meeting of the General Committee or other Committee, must be sent by electronic mail to all the members of the Committee, to the electronic mail address of each member of the Committee notified by the member of the Committee;
    (d) must describe the means by which the meeting can be electronically accessed (including the online location, if the meeting is held at an online location);
    (e) in the case of a general meeting, must set out how the chairman of the meeting may be appointed by a member entitled to vote at the meeting as the member’s proxy to vote at the meeting;
    (f) in the case of a general meeting, must state how a member may send to the chairman of the meeting the substantial and relevant matters which the member wishes to raise; and
    (g) may be accompanied by any other documents relevant to the meeting.
  15. The Association may require a member, before the meeting, to send to the chairman of the meeting, by electronic mail or post, the matters which the member wishes to raise at the meeting, and each such matter, if substantial and relevant and sent within a reasonable time before the meeting, is to be responded to at or before the meeting by electronic means.
  16. To avoid doubt, in addition to (but not in place of) electronic mail or post, the Association may provide for any matter to be raised by a member at a meeting and for the matter to be responded to at the meeting through real-time electronic communication such as video conferencing, tele-conferencing or live chat.


Membership Fees

  • AA Ordinary Membership Entrance Fees – $30
  • AA Ordinary Membership Fees – $75 per year
  • AA Family Membership Fees – $37.50 per year
  • AA Youth Membership Entrance Fees – $15
  • AA Youth Membership Fees – $30 per year
  • AA Associate Membership (Social) Fees – $30 per year
  • AA Corporate Entrance Fees – $100
  • AA Corporate Membership Fees – $75 per year per vehicle


Aa Roadside Assistance Service (ras) & Towing Fees
Following category of members are entitled to 6 free RAS inclusive of Standard Towing:
Ordinary Members
Family Members
Life Members
Corporate Members

Youth Members are entitled to 2 free RAS inclusive of Standard Towing

Fees as indicated below will be imposed on additional usage of RAS and Towing services.

An attendance fee $53.50 will still be levied if the mechanic is unable to start the car.


(include cars with skirting or body kit below 6ins)
FREE $64.20 $64.20 FREE $53.50 (MIN)>
> MORE THAN 6 RAS $53.50 $96.30 $96.30 $22.10 $53.50 (MIN)>

*MSCP refers to Multi-Storey Car Park
** BMCP refers to Basement Car Park
*** Car Ditch refers to Member’s car being forced off the road, resulting in it being stuck in a ditch and requires AA to extract and tow the car to the required destination.
**** Please note that members are required to pay associated fees such as Car Park or Entrance fees incurred in the course of attending to members’ vehicles.


Special Car Category Fees
Towing of Vehicles falling under the Special Car Category will require specialised resource and will incur additional towing fees regardless of the standard towing entitlements for members

Special Fees will be incurred in the following situations:

Car Ditching – $150 (minimum) before GST

  • When the member’s car is forced off-the road, resulting it being stuck in a ditch and require AA to extract and tow the car to the required destination, the additional fees will be incurred.

Multi-Storey / Basement Car Park Location – $100 (minimum) before GST

  • When the motorist’s car requires towing services from a non-open or confined area like a MultiStorey / Basement Car Park which will require specialized equipment, such additional fees will be incurred.

Please note that members are required to pay associated fees such as Car Park or Entrance fees incurred in the course of attending to members’ vehicles.

Special Vehicle Category – $150 (minimum) before GST

  • Additional fees will be incurred for the following brand of cars in view of the extra skill and resources needed to manage the towing operation:
    • Aston Martin
    • Bentley
    • Daimler
    • Ferrari
    • Hummer
    • Lamborghini
    • Lotus
    • Maserati
    • McLaren
    • Pagani
    • Porsche
    • Rolls Royce