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Overseas Discounts & Rewards Programmes

Overseas Discounts & Rewards

One Road International Discounts & Rewards Programme

One Road is the FIA-led Global Loyalty Programme focusing on leisure, retail, mobility, tourism and hospitality. Under the One Road International Discounts & Rewards programme, members get access to savings on travel, accommodation, dining and entertainment here in Singapore and worldwide.

In Singapore, international members simply flash your valid AA card to enjoy great savings at participating merchants stores.

Click here to start saving: https://portal.oneroadloyalty.com/aas

Overseas Discounts & Rewards

AAA Discounts & Rewards Programme

Under the AAA Discounts & Rewards programme, members get access to savings on travel, accommodation, dining and entertainment here in Singapore and worldwide.
In Singapore, international members simply flash your valid AA card bearing the AAA Discounts & Rewards logo to enjoy great savings at participating merchants stores.

In addition to discounts mentioned above, members of FIA motoring clubs are entitled to reciprocal services which include Vehicle Recovery and Towing Services. The reciprocal services are provided for international AA Members visiting Singapore during the first 90 days of stay. Please note that the reciprocal services provided are subjected to terms and conditions stated in our Service Policy. These services are not applicable to rental cars and motorcycles.

Services extended to International AA Members:

  • 24/7 Call Centre helpline.
  • Information and advice on local traffic rules.
  • Information and advice on tourist and travel matters.
  • In case of problems with member’s health or incidents arising from unforeseen circumstances (e.g. theft, robbery, accident, etc), AA Singapore will assist by providing the foreign member with contact details and/or information on the relevant organisation(s) and/or authorities which they can seek help from.

Click here to find out more on the reciprocal services available in the popular countries

To browse other discounts you can enjoy in Singapore, click here

Look forward to attractive accommodation, dining, shopping and entertainment savings with the AAA Discounts & Rewards programme which lets you gain more out of your travel in Singapore and overseas. Read more here

Related links:
Disclaimer: The following external links (links that do not begin with www.aas.com.sg) are maintained by Automobile Association of America (AAA). If AA Singapore Members are unable to access any of the links, please contact us at [email protected] with your interests and we will do our best to provide you with the information. Alternatively, contact AAA International Relations at www.aaa.com/international (Look under Travel Information and Travel Documents).

Common Questions (FAQs)

The Discounts & Rewards program boasts of an extensive range of discounts and benefits exclusively for AA members only, made possible through our affiliation with overseas motoring clubs. You can now enjoy fantastic discounts and benefits as you travel in United States & Canada as well as Australia, Columbia, Jamaica, Japan, Mexico, South Africa, South Korea, Sri Lanka and in 32 ARC Europe countries. Everything from travel to accommodation, and dining to entertainment; these discounts are available exclusively with your AA Membership at thousands of locations worldwide.

On the AA Singapore membership card, the Discounts & Rewards logo can be found at the back of your AA card.

For AA Singapore members travelling to the United States, look under Global Discounts Program hereto find out the list of participating merchants including hotels that you can book in the United States.

For international members travelling to Singapore, you may refer here for the list of participating merchants.

The privileges not only come in the form of discounts but free upgrades for car rental and accommodation and many more.
Some affiliated clubs also provide travel materials and touring information free of charge to AA Members.

For AA Singapore Members travelling to the United States
Before travelling to the United States, print the temporary AAA International Member Discount Card (see Related Links above) to be produced with your valid AA Singapore member card. To view offers you can enjoy, see Related Links above.

For international members coming to Singapore
Flash your valid membership card which bears AAA Discounts & Rewards logo to enjoy upfront discounts at outlets where the Discounts & Rewards decal is displayed.

For more convenience, you can also register as a visiting member. To do so, please visit any of our outlets (outlet locations here). After that, download the free AA Singapore app and login with your local membership number to access the e-card. Your visiting membership will be valid for 1 year.

To enjoy Discounts & Rewards program, you need to be an AA Member. This is one of the exclusive benefits for valid AA Members only.

For the United States, you may refer to the Related Links above. For Singapore, you may refer to Services Extended to International Members above.

Most information on this page and external links (links that do not begin with www.aas.com.sg) are provided by AAA and other external parties. AA Singapore is republishing the offerings for reader’s reference. If AA Singapore Members are unable to access any of the links, please contact us at [email protected] with your interests and we will do our best to provide you with the information. Alternatively, you may contact AAA International Relations at this page