If you own a registered vehicle in Singapore, having a valid road tax is an integral part of your ownership. You need to ensure that you have a valid road tax before driving the vehicle on the road.
Home • Our Services • Car Road Tax Renewal
If you own a registered vehicle in Singapore, having a valid road tax is an integral part of your ownership. You need to ensure that you have a valid road tax before driving the vehicle on the road.
As an owner of a Singapore-registered vehicle, you are required to renew your road tax every 6 or 12 months. You have to ensure that you renew your road tax before it expires, as a late renewal fee will be imposed for late renewal of road tax. It will also result in a fine of up to $2000, as it is an offence to keep or use a vehicle with an expired road tax.
Payment for road tax renewal can be made by cash, cheque. You can check the price of your road tax renewal by entering your Vehicle Registration Number or your vehicle’s engine capacity and age.
Kindly make cheque payable to ‘Land Transport Authority of Singapore’.